Abstracts list (clic on a paper title to see the abstract)
- Pius W. Akumbu (LLACAN, Paris) – Reconstructing a Grassfields Bantu nominal prefix low tone: Evidence from associative constructions
- Emma Flaricelle Bakam (University of Yaoundé 1 ) – Non-verbal forms of language in ritual practices in west Cameroon
- Wilfred Mbanfu Bangsi (University of Buea) – Positional faithfulness in the Bum verb lexical tone
- Virginia Beavon-Ham, Cameron Hamm & Rachel Robinson (SIL Cameroon) – Subjunctive marking in Grassfields languages that lack verbal subject markers
- Théodore Bebey (University of Maroua) – Verb serialization in Chrambo
- Adriel J. Bebine, Madeleine Ngo Njeyiha & Laurence Ngoumamba (Université de Yaoundé 1) – L’impératif canonique dans les langues bantoïdes bantoues et grassfields du Cameroun
- Marthe Bekele Matanda, Esther Phubon Chie & Nancy Sirih-Nagang Nyindem (University of Bamenda) – Health discourse in the multilingual landscape of Cameroon
- Roger Blench (Kay Williamson Educational Foundation) – Jarawan Bantu: a new look at an orphan group
- Esther Phubon Chie (University of Bamenda) – Phrasal phonological processes in Kom
- Bruce Connell & Peter Goldman (York University) – Evolving alternatives: Language choice in a rural Cameroon market
- Gabriel D. Djomeni (University of Dschang) – Evidence of Articles in some Grassfields languages
- Angèle Vanessa Douanla Taffre (Université de Yaoundé 1) – Contact linguistique et impact sur le système nominal de la langue kwa’
- Edmond Ossoko & Jean Paul Gaindjoung (University of Yaoundé 1) – Exploring linguistic carving of social position among the Ghomala and Mmaala
- Emilisco Jones Enoachuo & Delphine Efa Eret (University of Buea) – Language Contact: The missing identity or global language use: A Linguistic perspective of Kenyang, Ejagham, Korop and Efik
- Matthew Faytak & Arnold Ekema Njie (University at Buffalo & University of Buea) – Close vowel contrasts in Abar revisited: height or ATR?
- Matthew Faytak (University at Buffalo) – Phonetics and phonology of fricative vowels in Lus
- Evangeline Siri Fonchia (University of Yaoundé 1) – A pragmatic exploration of the structures of apology strategies in five Momo languages
- Kathryn Franich (Harvard University) – The phonological status of stem-initial prominence in Grassfields Bantu (and beyond)
- Christopher R. Green & Rebecca Grollemund (Syracuse University & University of Missouri) – Towards a reconstruction of Proto-Jarawan
- Hugues Carlos Gueche Fotso (University of Bamenda) – Functional and descriptive analysis of complement and adverbial clauses in Nda’nda’
- Ibirahim Njoya (University of Yaoundé 1) – Reduplication in Bantoid
- Dmitry Idiatov (LLACAN, Paris) – Residual vowel reduction to /i/ in functional morphemes in Bantoid
- Elisabeth J. Kerr (Leiden University) – The Mbam split subject construction
- Constantine Kouankem (University of Bertoua) – Coding coordination relations in Medumba
- Bep Langhout (SIL Cameroon) – Verb forms with umlaut in the Sari (Beboid) language: The connection between C2-consonant and vowel length
- Rosalie Maïrama & Martha Njui Mbu (University of Maroua) – The semantics of adverbs in Chrambo
- Marlaine Madzodjou (Université de Yaoundé 1) – Les numéraux ordinaux et cardinaux en ngəmba
- Solange Mekamgoum & Roland Kießling (University of Hamburg) – “Swallow fire”: Literal and figurative usages of Ngəmba verbs for eat and drink
- Diandra Sleene Mendouga Owona (Université de Yaoundé 1) – Reduplication in Ndemli
- Francine F. Moguo (University of Buea ) – Erosion and loss processes in the study of negation markers in Ghɔmálá’
- Levi E. Mokake & Clovis Ndichia Nkwain (University of Bamenda & University of Buea) – Traditional techniques of knowledge transmission in Kom and Mokpe: Towards a typology of language maintenance
- Levi E. Mokake & Flora N. Manjo (University of Bamenda) – Language contact and linguistic stereotypes: The case of Lamnso’
- Ayu’nwi N. Neba (University of Buea) – A synchronic study of nominal prefix tone in selected Bantoid/ Grassfields Bantu languages: A comparative study
- Landri Ngaouri (Université de Ngaoundéré, Laboratoire Langues, Dynamiques et Usages) – Et si Kay Williamson, Watters, Bernd et Derek s’étaient trompés sur la classification des langues mambiloïdes ?
- Herbert Rostand Ngouo & Théodore Bebey (University of Maroua) – Reflexive constructions in Ngomba
- Ivo Forghema Njuasi, Nicholas Kamyu Mori & Matthew Faytak (University of Buea, University at Buffalo & University at Buffalo) – Diphthongization of /Vn/ in Kom: a phonological analysis and corpus study
- Magdaline Bakume Nkongho (University of Maroua) – Tense/aspect and verbal negation in Kendem
- Ninon Wokwenmendam Nkouo (Université De Douala) – Modes d’adresse et de référence en shupamem
- Nancy Sirih Nagang Nyindem (University of Bamenda) – Linguistic landscape: A bridge to crisis management in Cameroon
- Ousmanou (University of Yaoundé 1) – The monophonematic analysis of prenasal clusters deriving from the lexicalization of noun class prefixes in Bantoid languages: the case of Koshin [‘Beboid’ Bantu, Cameroon]
- Rachel Robinson (SIL Cameroon) – Grammatical encoding through tone in Bamali tense, aspect and mood
- Emmanuel Ndzi Tabah (University of Buea) – Tone in Limbum derived forms
- Florence A. E. Tabe Oben (University of Yaoundé 1) – Appraisal of Kenyang noun classification from the spell-outs of subject markers
- James N. Tasah (University of Maroua) – The dynamics of language contact and lexical borrowing in Grassfields languages: A case study of Kom in Boyo Division
- Nelson C. Tschonghongei (University of Yaoundé 1) – Ablaut vectorisation matrix
- Mark Van de Velde (LLACAN, Paris) – Alignment in Bantoid double object constructions
- Prasidis Nain Wainkem (University of Yaoundé 1) – Investigating the development and use of negation by Kom children at language acquisition age
- Abass Ngoungouo Yagnigni (Université de Yaoundé 1) – Analyse des interfaces phonologie-sémantique et syntaxe-sémantique en shupamem
- Michael Ntonyuh Yamungeu (University of Yaoundé 1) – Serial Verb Constructions and information structure in ŊgieməkɔɁkə