Call for papers

[The call is closed - programme available on the "programme" section]

We invite abstracts from African and international researchers and community literacy activists on the analysis, description and / or comparison of Bantoid languages. Narrow Bantu languages of the Northwest with close relations to Bantoid might be accepted, too. The focus will be on descriptive and practical presentations, rather than papers addressing linguistic theory through work with a single expatriate informant. Contributions on sociolinguistics as well as applied linguistics in the Bantoid area are also welcome. Individual presentations should stick to the usual conference format, i.e. 20 minutes for oral presentation plus 10 minutes for discussion.

  • Conference languages : Abstracts can be written in English or French and presentations will be in any of the two languages
  • Abstracts will be received until January 31, 2024, and authors will be notified by February 29, 2024, about acceptance.
  • Abstracts should not exceed the limit of 500 words, including references. They should be submitted as an MS Word and Pdf file to
  • Please make sure to use a Unicode compliant font and to keep your abstract anonymous.
  • Provide your name and affiliation in the body of the email when sending your abstract.




Univ Yaounde Llacan Labex
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